Apoling Solutions Brooklyn NYC

Legal Disclaimer

  1. APOLING SOLUTIONS, INC. shall not be liable for theft, holdup, loss or damage of documents nor for delays, postponement or interruption with authentication, embassy/consular legalization, apostille of documents, due to circumstances or causes beyond its control, nor does it take up any charge whatsoever for injury, damage, loss, accident or delay to any person or property which shall arise due to causes beyond its control and not occasioned by its fault nor due to any act of negligence of any other party, war, strike, civil turmoil, riots, fire, acts of any government agency thereof, failure of transportation communication, or acts of God.
  2. The client clearly acknowledges that the decision to authenticate, legalize or apostille a document is a decision of the country to which the application is made, embassy or consulate employees and as such is outside the control of APOLING SOLUTIONS, INC. We disclaim any liability for losses, damages, forfeitures of deposit or expenses, damages of any kind whatsoever incurred by the client in the event the document or service applied for is denied or not obtained within a stated time period.
  3. The authentication/legalization/apostille of a document is subject to terms and conditions stated herein. Client acknowledges that the responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the application documents is solely that of the client, and Apoling Solutions, Inc. disclaims any responsibility therefore. We also disclaim any liability or responsibility if the foreign embassy, consulate, mission or another government agency makes a mistake in the client’s documents.
  4. We make every effort to provide the most updated and accurate information regarding current authentication/legalization/apostille requirements. All effort is provided to secure the prompt completion of every request. Document authentication/legalization/apostille is subject to government changes without notice so we do not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided. Client’s document request(s) authorize Apoling Solutions, Inc. to act and to perform as the agent in the procurement of the services without liability. As the decision to authenticate/legalize/apostille is entirely up to the discretion of the issuing embassy, consulate, mission or another government agency, we do not guarantee approval.
  5. By submitting documents to us and making payment for our services, client understands that Apoling Solutions, Inc. is not any embassy, consulate, mission or another government agency and expressly agrees to all the Terms and Conditions explained herein or elsewhere on our website.
  6. By ordering document authentication, legalization or apostille services and before submitting the payment the client confirms that he is familiar  with  the terms and conditions listed above and does accept them.

Refund/Cancellation Policy

Service and shipping fees will be charged once processing is started, even if the request is denied by the embassy, consulate, mission or any official government representative or cancelled by the client or higher authority. Embassy consular fees may be refunded in whole or in part depending on the policy of the applicable country.

Charges, including any additional charges, are the responsibility of the client or his/her representative, are due and payable immediately, may be collected without notice, and may not be refunded except as stated herein.

Refund Eligibility Policy

A client may be entitled to a full refund of their payment if the following conditions are met:

  1. The client notifies Apoling Solutions, Inc. of their intent to cancel the application within:
    • Twenty-four (24) hours of initiating a legalization/apostille service request; or
    • Four (4) hours of initiating a certified translation service request.
  2. The requested services—including but not limited to document procurement, retrieval, authentication, apostille, or legalization—were not provided by or before the deadline specified by the client and agreed upon by an authorized representative of Apoling Solutions, Inc.

Document Procurement, Retrieval, and Apostille/Certification Services

The client acknowledges that in cases where Apoling Solutions, Inc. provides document procurement or retrieval services (including but not limited to certified copies of vital records, divorce decrees, certificates of non-appeal or non-impediment, and court records), such documents are obtained directly from the issuing authority:

  • The Department of Vital Records
  • A County Clerk’s Office
  • A Court Records Office or a U.S. Federal District Court

These documents are procured in accordance with standard procedures established by the respective agencies. Therefore, the client acknowledges that:

    1. Apoling Solutions, Inc. does not alter or modify the format of certified copies based on a client’s personal interpretation or preference. All such documents are issued exclusively by the relevant local, state, or federal authorities in compliance with the official standards established by governing administrative, judicial, federal, or USCIS departments and offices.
    2.  Apostille certificates vary in appearance depending on the state of issuance. Each U.S. state follows its own standardized format and layout for apostille certification, as determined by its respective governing body.

If any of the above conditions cannot be met, then no refunds shall be made if the services were fully completed by Apoling Solutions, Inc. Instead, depending on the stage of document processing, we may issue the client a credit for the balance of the resultant payment. This credit is non-transferable and can be applied against the cost of any future document applications with us for a period of 12 months from the date of the credit.

Extra fees apply for non-cash payments

A 5% processing fee will be added to all credit and debit card transactions, while PayPal payments incur an additional 3.75% processing fee.