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Being refugees comes with responsibilities to the host country

Being refugees comes with responsibilities to the host country

In January 2025, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that seeks to adjust the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). This order aspires to create a more sustainable and secure environment for both refugees and the communities that support them.

The executive order makes it clear that the U.S. should only welcome refugees who can genuinely adapt to American society. This method aims to protect taxpayer resources for citizens and ensure that the nation’s resources are not strained by an overwhelming number of refugees.

Refugees obligations to the nation that provides shelter

When one decides to move to a foreign country, it is essential to embrace the responsibility of assimilating into the host nation. This involves learning the local language, understanding and respecting the culture, and adopting the traditions of the new community. By doing so, newcomers can build meaningful connections, contribute positively to society, and foster mutual respect and understanding. Assimilation not only benefits the individual but also strengthens the social fabric of the welcoming nation.

Establishing yourself as a trusted resident

Let’s take a moment to analyze the following points briefly. When a U.S. citizen moves to, let’s say, a Spanish-speaking country for permanent residency, they typically make an effort to learn the local language and adapt to the culture, rather than expecting the residents to speak English. This raises the question of fairness when considering that some newcomers to the United States do not make similar efforts to integrate. Instead, particularly over the last few years, the newcomers have been demanding that American society accommodate their language and lifestyle preferences, including the provision of free translators and financial support. Is it fair to expect one standard of assimilation abroad while accepting a different standard at home?

This disparity prompts a deeper discussion on the expectations and responsibilities of immigrants in their new countries. U.S. citizens who moved overseas and foreign citizens who come to our country.

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